About Our Department

Medical-Surgical Nursing is a Nursing specialty area concerned with the care of adult patients in a broad range of settings. The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) is a specialty nursing organization dedicated to nurturing medical-surgical nurses as they advance their careers. Traditionally, Medical-Surgical Nursing was an entry-level position that most nurses viewed as a stepping stone to specialty areas. Medical-Surgical Nursing is the largest group of professionals in the field of Nursing. Medical-Surgical Nursing has developed into a distinct specialty as a result of advancements in both medicine and nursing M.Sc (N) programme includes 7 Subspecialties like Critical Care Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Nephro-Urology Nursing, Neurology Nursing, Cardio-Thoracic Nursing, Gastroenterology Nursing and Orthopedic Nursing.
This course is a step towards preparing graduate in the field of scientific inquiry through initation,validation,and application of research ach findings to nursing practices and even evaluation of nursing theory which stands conductive to advance practice.


Narayana College of Nursing will be an Universal leader for Innovations, Research, Education, Attitude and Practice to create Positive changes in the health outcomes of Individuals, Families, Communities in all Health Care settings.

The Mission of the Medical Surgical Nursing Department is to prepare future nurses and nurse leaders by utilizing a framework that is student-centered and evidence-based. Students take an active role in delivering high-quality care, focusing on excellence in Nursing Practice, Education, Administration, and Research, and bringing about positive changes for diverse individuals, families, and communities to bring about optimizing health outcomes.



  • Explain relevant anatomy &physiology of various system of the body.
  • Assess the patient’s health problems systematically.
  • Understand the basic pathological process in the body.
  • Apply basic sciences and behavioral sciences for providing competency based and evidenced based nursing care.
  • Practice holistic nursing care based on nursing process.
  • Train the student nurses with re equipment of current trends<./li>
  • Demonstrate skills in conducting health related research.
  • Develop leadership qualities and function effectively as nurse educator, advocator, manager and counselor.
  • Implement strategies for standard and transmission based precautions in health care settings.
  • Continue learning for personal and professional advancement.

Action Plan

Plan Of Action

  1. Organize orientation for all courses for all students .
  2. completion of syllabus for all courses in time .
  3. Innovative teaching metholodgy such as , BRICS method of teaching.
  4. Adopting evidenced based practice by use of research based learning.
  5. Utilization of e – learning resources.
  6. Employ ICT for all classes.
  7. Sort out enrichment programme, with ensuring maximum participation of student.
  8. Carry out workshop ,conference to enhance the skill of the students
  9. Clasp celebration of health days like world hypertension day world health day ,world diabetic day
  10. Develop clinical skill by clinical experience by demonstration ,clinical presentation ,nursing audit ,nursing rounds ,case study with the heal log book.
  11. Creating awareness among student by field visit and community outreach activities.
  12. Guide individualized research project and dissemination of result by publication
  13. Mentor mentee programme to guide to the students
  14. Encourage student in participating of co-curriculum and outreach activities
  15. Organize individual and group counseling to the students
  16. Periodic evaluation of student for theory by means of weekly ,daily and internal assessment exam (3 assessment exam) and practical by weekly practical exam .
  17. Given feedback to student about exam within 3 day of exam completion of evaluation of assignment.
  18. Analysis of feedback from students about learning experience.


  1. Focus on more Scopus publication.
  2. Enroll more number of PhD Scholar.
  3. Conduct south regional workshop.
  4. Plan projects at the community level.
  5. Demonstrate in clinical skill competency through training and workshop.
  6. Faculty members deliver a variety of guest lectures.
  7. More involvement in conferences and seminars, as well as more event chairing.

Result Analysis


Research Activities

Best Practices

  • Wall teaching method
  • (BRICS) 2
  • Capstone project
  • Competency Based Practices.
  • Theory based learning
  • Critical analysis
  • Experiential learning
  • Clinical presentations
  • Nursing Audit in clinical
  • Nursing Rounds in clinical

Department Activites

Social responsiblites


Advanced Lab



  1. Innovative teaching and learning methods.
  2. Skillful clinical practices.
  3. Ideal administrative /decentralized hierarchy.
  4. Demonstration of advanced lab training by simulation method.
  5. Individual project guided by department faculties.
  6. Research submission to WHO and ICMR funding agencies will be provided the global research standards achieved by college.
  7. NCON offer teaching program in sports, yoga, exercises and value based add on courses in employment contributing areas.
  8. Introduction of participatory teaching methods and tools like skill labs for students to promote learner centric education to all students.
  9. Implemented performance linked incentive scheme for the faculty.
  10. Strengthening of carrier programme with foreign universities.


  1. Improvement of oncology related procedure.
  2. Some advanced procedures may not be demonstrated in the lab.


  1. Strong relationship and form multidisciplinary collaboration with other department.
  2. Nursing faculty are deputed for short classes to attend/present papers in seminar ,workshop,(national /international)conference so that nursing faculties can gain more knowledge / (updating )and skill as well as expertise in the subject matter.
  3. Rewards – incentive for research.
  4. Encouragement to involve in more research activities.
  5. Multidiscipline comfortableness.
  6. To provide and intra fraternal spirit of cooperation by offering an opportunity for nurses and networking, scholarships, guidance and a collective responsibility.
  7. Department of more centers of excellence in health care and research of international standards to attract global faculty, students and patients.
  8. Introduction of innovative and proactive policies to retain the interest and long term commitment of faculty to the institution.
  9. Conduct of awareness programme for teaching learning process.
  10. Augmenting e -learning resources for teaching learning process.
  11. Training the nursing staff with certification and simulation based teaching is unique for this institution.


  1. The inability and retain more teachers in permanent basis.
  2. Role changing.
