About Our Department

Fundamentals of Nursing is the foundation for Nurses. Nursing is the art and science that involves caring with individual, families and communities to promote wellness of wholeness. Nursing Foundation forms the underlying basis for rendering nursing care to individuals in all stages of development. This department paves the way for entry of the novice nurse to develop the desirable knowledge attitude and skills which forms the crux of nursing practice The Department of Nursing foundation was established on 2002. This subject is an initial core in the nursing curriculum .It is designed to help the students to acquire knowledge understanding and skills in techniques of nursing and practice them in supervised clinical setting. The objectives of the department is to train the nursing students to gain cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains which can be practiced and create apposition changes in the health outcomes of individuals, families, community in all health care settings. The Nursing foundation subject is taught to first year B.Sc. and PPBSC Nursing. Nursing foundation department had included advanced clinical practice for PG progress. Move over frequent individual and group counseling is conducted continuously to achieve the goals. It has adequate infrastructure to facilitate teaching-learning and research activities. A laboratory area of 2500sq.ft is available for nursing procedure demonstration, equipped with adequate mannequins, simulation, equipment and instruments to successfully amalgamate class room teaching in patient care. Various nursing procedures are taught in the demonstration lab with scientific principles which develops the confidence level of the students to practice in the bed side and it is designed clinically to provide nursing students with the necessary skills and attitudes based on theoretical knowledge to demonstrate the basic nursing care procedures for patients care.


Narayana College of Nursing will be an Universal leader for Innovations, Research, Education, Attitude and Practice to create Positive changes in the health outcomes of Individuals, Families, and Communities in all Health Care settings.

The Mission of the Medical Surgical Nursing Department is to prepare future nurses and nurse leaders by utilizing a framework that is student-centered and evidence-based. Students take an active role in delivering high-quality care, focusing on excellence in Nursing Practice, Education, Administration, and Research, and bringing about positive changes for diverse individuals, families, and communities to bring about optimizing health outcomes.



  • Describe the concept of health, illness and health care agencies.
  • Explain concept and scope of nursing.
  • Describe values, code of ethics and professional conduct for nurse in India.
  • Expertise in admission and discharge procedure
  • Communicate effectively for projecting professional image.
  • Educate the patient for life style modification.
  • Explain the concept, uses, format and steps of nursing process.
  • Practice nursing process to provide care.
  • Proficient in techniques of recording and reporting with purposes and types.
  • Mastering in principles and techniques of monitoring and maintaining vital signs.
  • Perform the health assessment and physical examination.
  • Recognize the various machinery, equipment and linen in health care system.
  • Describe and practice the principles and techniques for infection control and biomedical waste management in Supervised Clinical settings.
  • Develop skill to meet the needs of patient based on nursing theories.
  • Expertise in principles of drug administration and recording.
  • Skillful in perioperative care with wound healing.
  • Proficient on suctioning, oxygen administration and CPR.
  • Able to take care of terminally ill and dead body.
  • Practice sterilization of various equipments and machinery.
  • Caring of patient with alteration in sensorium and challenged person.
  • Capable of practice in urinary and bowel elimination.

Action Plan

Plan Of Action

  1. Motivate the faculty to prepare individual book related to Nursing foundation.
  2. Practicing nursing process in clinical.
  3. Mastering in health assessment and monitoring of patients.
  4. Capability in carrying out basic nursing care procedures.
  5. Expertise in caring for patients with alterations in body functions.
  6. Competency in applying steps of nursing process in the care of clients in the hospital and community.
  7. Proficiency in applying scientific principles while performing nursing care.
  8. Efficient in documentation.
  9. Capable in meeting basic psychosocial needs of the clients.
  10. Knowledge on principles and techniques of infection control.
  11. Confidence and competence in caring of terminally ill patient.


Research Activities

Best Practices

Department Activites

Social responsiblites


Result Analysis


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