About the College

The onset of sophisticated technology has resulted in hospitals becoming large intensive care units, with cardiac monitoring, respiratory assistance and intense treatment becoming a growing part of the average patient's plan of care. Today, hospitals face increased patient loads and escalating pressure to treat more people, more quickly. This in turn has led to growing demand for more skilled and specialized nurses, both in India and abroad.

NARAYANA COLLEGE OF NURSING aims to meet this critical challenge of preparing nurses for professional practice. At NARAYANA COLLEGE OF NURSING, students are taught the principles of Caring, Excellence and Integrity, and exposed to the finest of caring and learning environment, wherein they learn, grow, and flourish in the best traditions of professional education.

With demographic changes over the coming decades expected to worsen the shortage of nurse aides in hospitals, nursing homes, and home health care settings, there lies a tremendous demand for specialised nursing professionals. The future opens up immense opportunities and a sojourn with NARAYANA COLLEGE OF NURSING opens up immense prospects.

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